rise of the guardians fanfiction baby pooka jack. The Pooka let out a groan, knowing he would have a long story to tell, and situated himself into a more comfortable position so to hold Jack and allow him to sleep more soundly. rise of the guardians fanfiction baby pooka jack

 The Pooka let out a groan, knowing he would have a long story to tell, and situated himself into a more comfortable position so to hold Jack and allow him to sleep more soundlyrise of the guardians fanfiction baby pooka jack A Oneshot Series about Aster raising two Pooka kits, Jack and Hiccup, as his own

Bunny was the first to scramble out of the slay. (Pooka!Jack fic, no pairings)Jack had been forced to wait until Aster finally dozed off before he could manage to sneak out of the den. Author's Note: Jack didn't want to become a Pooka last chapter. Jack Frost was not dark and ominous. Since the kid was already picking up more than a few of his Pooka traits, Aster had to try at least some human traditions. FanFiction | unleash. A collection of one-shots centered around Jack Frost's relationship with. After a few minutes of Bunnymund talking nonsense to Jack and quiet instructions to Phil, the Pooka hefted Jack forward gently, resting the smaller guardian against his shoulder. Aster Bynnymund; Jack Frost magiced into being emotionless; BAMF Jack Frost (Guardians. "Jack, cover this bed, just this one, with a fine layer of snow. Jack looked around, startled, a strange expression on his face. Pitch had, though uncharacteristic of the villain, reassured him there was no way the ripping spasms were the real deal. Pitch showed Baby Tooth to Jack. Soon he let his paw pound into him, but softer and slower. Pure white with a snowflake mark on his forehead, a black single line on one of his legs like the black cloth he always wears – he was maybe. Pooka had many traditions and instinctual cycles, one of which was heat. Disclaimer: I don't own ROTG. Rimming. For the first time he took in the destruction of the child's room. Jack felt an odd ache in his chest at seeing his friend, his brother, crying with such joy and relief. Worse and stronger then the last, Jack couldn't bite back the harsh cry that ripped from his throat. North looked sadly at Jack, "Never prank a Pooka, their pranks are ten times worse than any normal prank. With Tooth's fairies hard at work making up for lost time, Tooth herself could rest easy on North's giant couch for the night. Trust Me By: Erumurus Aster Bunnymund. A shiver ran. By: Jettara1. How does Jack feel about all this? Can the Guardians calm Bunny down? Rated T for violence and suggested themes, as well as language. But the Easter Bunny does not care, he just sees Jack Frost ruining his holiday. He knew it from the moment that the moon had coaxed him from the lake and gently set him upon the solid ice that covered the water. However that's not all that's in store, love, curses, friends and foes alike, not to mention Jack is coming out as a cross dresser! From the Rise of the Guardians Kinkmeme: There's more than one Pooka - when the four year old Overland girl finds a snowy white rabbit, she smiles and says hello. "Oi North!" Bunny yelled his nose firmly buried in a newspaper as he walked down the hall towards Santa's office "Ya gotta see this mate, some idiot is tryin' ta bully some poor woman fer growing a garden in her yard. When Jack explained what happened, North calmed down but wouldn't let the boy leave. The guardians have abandoned him, they concluded he betrayed them without giving him a chance to explain, now he was alone in deep pain and addle. He's adapted to solitude, constant traveling, and sleeping in trees. " "I know they wouldn't like you. "If you call for them, they will come and take you away. The news flashed up onto the screen, showing the weatherman babbling excitedly about this strange new development. Jack wasn't completely alone for 300 years. He knew were Jack had been. Now, thanks to the turning of tables, Jack has to adapt again - to the Guardians, to his new found family. He looked odd,like there was something missing in all that the buzzing began,oh yes,she could feel it in her loins. The Man in the Moon has taken notice of the child. Bunny leaned down and nuzzled the boy's hair and temple with his pink nose soothingly and Jack closed his eyes, leaning into the touch. Tooth nodded, understanding. Still, she hoped that he had warmed up to them at least a little in the time he had been with them. Pitch captures Jack and turns him into a Pooka. Bunny says. Had surprisingly good time despite the fact that you're a guardian and don't even have the smallest inkling of culture. Bunny moved on top of the bed and pulled the winter spirit into his lap. He missed his friend. SUBSCRIBE: ON PATREON: looks into the backstory of Jack Frost to determine why he is su. Language: English. The elf brightened up and ran off to gather the other elves. " "It can wait a bit," Jack grinned. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Bunnymund, Jack Frost - Chapters: 3 -. Give Me Back My Clothes! By: roxan1930. Poor Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Human Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Original Character (s) Cross-Posted on FanFiction. North stood in front of the Pooka with a cold glint in his usually jolly eyes. Although, that doesn't mean that they all won't go through the stage of discovery together. Jack mumbles quietly, not even cracking open his eyes to look anywhere, just turning his head into Bunny's chest and, okay, if that isn't the most cutest thing ever, Toothiana had no clue what was. only to be stopped by Baby Tooth. When her sister Isabelle is chosen instead, Ranya decides to try to take her place—but because Isabelle's Guardian Angel told her Isabelle would die if she didn't. Soft white rabbit ears poked out, the Pooka kit sucking on her little paw while she napped. Jack wasn't completely alone for 300 years. Jack startled as Bunny grabbed the sprite and ran towards a bed of white drooping flowers. "Thought you wouldn't like me being here so I'd stay out of your way until I could make an escape. Aster Bunnymund/Jack Frost; Characters:. "Same as you" Jack states as Jamie runs out of the house and sees the Guardians, Celine cuddled in his arms. Follow . It's calming, Aster notes as he hops to the burrow. I do not own ROTG or its characters. Jack's about to get the family he always wanted, and Bunny's gonna have to come along for the ride. I know Rise of the guardians isn't out yet but I already have a favourite character and judging by the chapter I am guessing you know who it is! I had an odd feeling that Bunnymund has some deep dark secret because in most of the trailers I have noticed that when he was hiding from the girl that was grabbing the eggs he had placed, he. The Black Forest in the early 1200's. " OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO. He keeps Jack in his Warren, not letting anyone near him and referring to him as his 'mate'. Jack still jumped when the Pooka landed only a few feet away, far closer than he wanted. In a deep, rumbling voice, the Pooka spoke foreign words that Jack couldn't even begin to understand. Deep down Bunny knew that he was just desperate for another Pooka and that he loved Jack, but instincts are stronger than rational thought. Jack Frost has always been the one to adapt. Bunny and the rest of the Guardians gasped as they hit the floor of Tooth's palace after their sudden viewing of Jacqueline Overland's, no, Jack Frost's memories. I mean look at me!" An impish grin. " he replied, shifting his gaze to the roaring fire to try and escape the conversation. Rated T for scary moments, Jack freaking out, and. Aster watched as the fairy held the little boy close to her chest humming in his ear and kissing his temple causing the little envy monster to awaken in the grey bunny. Jack grunted in surprise but obediently began scratching the creature's ears. Jack and Sandy immediately looked back up, their faced adorned with the brightest of smiles, and North let out a long hard laugh "Next time," he bellowed "we will have battle downstairs in ballroom! Then we can go all out!" "Yeah!" Jack shouted as he bounced in excitement, Sandy backing him up by flying around the room with two thumbs up. Jack gripped his chest as his heartbeat went from erratic, to painfully slow, back to incredibly fast. until I saw a comment about wishing for more Pooka!Jack fics. "Payback time, mate. I'll have you know I'm a fine specimen of male Pooka. "Sandy and Tooth please sit as well. Pooka!Jack, One-shot. (Pooka!Jack fic, no pairings)Bunny growled up at Jack who was giving a cocky grin. He's not a white Pooka kit either. He had the Wind. Jack was only an infant when he mother had to surrender him for his safety. North wasn't having any of it. Yet, Isabelle, ridden with anxiety, may one day be the only person who stands between Ranya and death. It is the most incredible moment of her life when the rabbit says hello back. So here's another Pooka!Jack fic. RotG Disclaimer: All rights concerning the movie reserved to DreamWorks. Follow/Fav Ghost stories-and other tales. Jack yawned, and his eyes eventually slipped closed, sleeping peacefully as the Guardians stood near his bed, completely frazzled. Movies Rise of the Guardians. Prompt: Pooka!Jack disturbing Aster in the Warren. A baby Pooka is found by our favourite Spirit of Winter. The pooka shook it, sealing the deal. Tooth let out a small giggle, as the new little Jack attached himself to Bunny's leg. Seeing the colours reminded Bunny of the 5 Guardians. Welcome my friends to my drabble series. Movies Rise of the Guardians. The plant made a noise of surprise and pain, releasing its prey instantly. Pre-Rise of the Guardians (2012) JackRabbit - Freeform. "Rise and shine!" yelled North opening the curtains and letting in a torturous stream of sunlight. They are able to stop time travelers from disturbing the past. A collection of one-shots centered around Jack Frost's relationship with the big four. "Oi, Snowflake. Or at least what Jack thought were the same flowers, they looked the same. Rather than find their missing frost child, the Guardians had stumbled upon the white rabbit's unconscious form, curled protectively around Jack's staff, at the foot of the Nightmare King's throne. Jack Frost was not a grumpy old man. Rather than find their missing frost child, the Guardians had stumbled upon the white rabbit's unconscious form, curled protectively around Jack's staff, at the foot of the Nightmare King's throne. "There's my girl. Hanging up in one corner of the room, was Jack's very own Pooka armor. Grabbing Bunny's forearms and drawing both legs up to his chest, Jack kicked up, hitting both sides of the Pooka's hips, forcing the larger spirit into a forward half-toss, half-roll. Jack set Sophie on the floor with her brother before stepping back. A Light Within Darkness Chapter 38, a rise of the guardians fanfic | FanFiction. He did not mean to create a blizzard. Aster didn't agree with it, but Jack was a human, not a Pooka. With every shadow overcome, the light gets ever brighter. The surroundings changed again and he saw himself hopping though the city late at night with the group of. Follow/Fav Ghost stories-and. She asked with a happy smile causing Jack to laugh. Chapter 1: The Storyteller. Jack is forced to go on a Vacation with the other Guardians. Author's Note: I was having trouble writing this chapter, so I wrote future events and Aloe turns out pretty awesome. the white haired immortal just didn't know how to react to the concerned gesture from the usually austere Australian. The Pooka Left the room but said hello when in the door way, making Tooth turn around and see North in the door way, coming to see Jack. Of course, none of the guardians knew that. "I can't", the boy moaned, burying himself deeper into the warm chest. The Frostfall clan's ship crashed into a planet and many millienia later the spaceship's computer woke the oldest Pooka left onboard. Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians, the Guardians of Childhood, or any related characters etc. Aster Bunnymund. The Longer I Run By: Cayran. Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians. "Jack, baby, you look good," Jack said to himself feeling confident about his looks. Jack had at least not consciously allowed them near him when he was that vulnerable. Jack's eyes began to glaze over. Guardians for a Family By: HotTopicLuver. Pitch has a new plan; A Nightmare is on the way. "Frostbi-" Another clap of thunder cut him short, and again Bunny heard a whimper from a small cave-like hole on the other side of the lake. He could see a little face on the side, with looked a little like Jack, actually. The Man in the Moon has taken notice of the child. Baby Tooth then pushes off from Tooth's shoulder, dropping down beside the staff and laying a single tooth and miniscule feather next to it. Now. Secretly Pooka / Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians. It was in the middle of the guardian meeting that North now held monthly. "You sure?" he asked. Bright blue eyes showed confusion and- was that concern? With a slight, irritated frown, Bunny swatted the Winter spirit's hand away. He could barely catch his breath as the Pooka nearly fell dead weight limp on him. Tooth just looked up. " North said, standing at Jack's side. A child is found by Stoick The Vast in one of the multiples excursions looking for The dragon's nest. *Jack's lake* Jack landed in a pile of snow, laughing as he got up and yelled "very funny North wind!" still laughing. Jack's pranks drive Bunny up the wall, and when an accident occurs during one of Jack's hijinks, Bunny puts his foot down and initiates a war of pranks. She grabbed Jack's staff and held it carefully. "Jack!" the voice was soft, like an echo. Jack was lying on top of the blankets, gasping for breath and trembling in agony. But he came back. " "Is that any way to talk to your mentor?". Bunny wished with all his heart that Jack would never know the grief of losing that all-important first believer. Bunny's yell echoed behind Jack as the wind tossed him higher into the sky, lifting him above the clouds and towards the upper atmosphere. Beside it was a wood-carved framing a bed of the same flowers. But the thing that scared the Guardians most was the words written on the boy's back. Jack was correct, the Guardians were family, they were brothers, sisters, siblings. The reason why is because Pitch has told Jack he will kill the guardians if he does. Tooth and North breathed laugh while Jack and Sandy smiled, Bunny just rolled his eyes playfully. During the first summer after gaining Jack Frost as a Guardian, the Guardians realize that they haven't the slightest idea of how to interact and take care of a seasonal sprite. Jack enjoys being with the guardians, enjoys being in a family. Since a boy who had been alone for 3 agonizing centuries found a family. Taking the boy in his arms he followed his fellow Guardians to the control room to wait for the Moon to rise. The frost child was like a baby brother, just a small kit to him. Pitch captures Jack and turns him into a Pooka. Then the Man in the Moon gave him five huge eggs. Summary: "Besides he hadn't been alone. Bunny finds out that Pitch has been torturing Jack, and he goes a little crazy. Jack's grin plummeted, concern and confusion warring in his expression. After taking a shower after training with Bunny Jack finds out that someone took his clothes and that just pisses him off. The Pooka let out a groan, knowing he would have a long story to tell, and situated himself into a more comfortable position so to hold Jack and allow him to sleep more soundly. Bunny grinned down at him, Jack was like a kit the way he calmed at the nuzzling. Aster Bunnymund; Nicholas St. Jack groaned which resulted with him getting pinched by the Tooth Fairy. I am an addict to Bunny/Jack Brother fluff…So this is yet ANOTHER fluffy chapter devoted to Jack and Bunny, hopefully with lots of angst though it won't be too weepy. If a Pooka had no mate, when they went into heat they would seek one out (or hole themselves up in their den). (Pooka!Jack fic, no pairings)Before his parents passed away, Jack wouldn't have given much thought to his mom's old stories, even though he knew they had some basis in truth. Fanfic Recs /. " They turned around. Jack sticks his tongue out, poking a tiny portion of the wet organ through his full pink lips before floating off to his room and shutting the door. 2K. It annoyed the Pooka to no end when Jack's gleeful intentions were usually for him, but Bunny always managed to Jack back sooner or later. He was laying in his bed, snuggling into his pillow, and half asleep. Rise of the Guardians. The heat, the pain, everything. (Everything ranging for angst to humor!Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Baby Tooth (Rise of the Guardians) E. The Warren is quiet with nothing but the wind blowing to break the silence. Baby Jack. Sneaking past the shrubbery, Jack's nose twitched as he stealthily went down the path that Aster had just come up, running the opposite direction. Join North, Bunny, Tooth and Sandy as they raise and teach Jack all that they know, while. "Now ya listen ta me, ya drongo. Jack closed his eyes again and whimpered a bit. Jack is exposed to a chemical that combines his DNA with a little of Bunny's. Myth and folktales still ruled over the land of human imagination. He doesn't grow fur but does develop some traits of the Pooka class system. "Jack. When Bunnymund needed help during an Easter-Egg painting crisis, Jack was the first of the guardians to show up and was also the fastest at painting the eggs, barely second next to the Easter Bunny himself. my…. -And so the queen of the Tooth fairies learned to trust the human, long after she had lost faith in him and all of his kind. Jack's cloak flapped in the breeze as he glided on the wind over the rooftops of Santoff Claussen. A collection of one-shots centered around Jack Frost's relationship with the big four. Title: Wishing on a Star – The Snowy White Pooka. Aster then actually begins to laugh, letting Jack go and leaving to go forth and find some peanut butter for his darling mate. Aster Bunnymund. Focus: Movies Rise of the Guardians, Since: 05-31-14. Now he has taken the youth under his wing and together they will destroy the Guardians but what happens when MiM decides. The other three Pooka moved forward, all smiling as they too shared embraces with Bunny. Bunny eventually ran past the young Pooka, Jack ducking behind the foliage, his blue eyes watching as Bunny bent low to sniff carefully before continuing to run past him and further down the trail. Jack and the Wind. He had a friend in a little bunny that came to him in his hour of need. Jack started to shift, feeling the warmth of the pooka. By: Anime-Jazumin. And the Guardians soon realize how 300 years of solitude can leave a person with many scars and trust issues and how easy it is for that person to be manipulated. Rating: M. Follow/Fav Pooka Rituals in the Modern World. He felt Jack's Icy breath on his groin, then his Icy tongue. " "Come on Bunny!" Jack said with a huge smile. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than. "Guardians for a Family Chapter 18. A Pooka's peripheral vision was wider and much more acute then a humans; a fact that Aster was banking on that Jack didn't know. The small fairy was clearly afraid, puffed up and and cuddled together. Jack convinces the Guardians to help him locate Mother Nature, but things quickly take a dark, confusing turn. The Frostfall clan's ship crashed into a planet and many millienia later the spaceship's computer woke the oldest Pooka left onboard. He wordlessly understood that he and his sister. Jack hesitantly lowered his staff, hanging back as he watched the group speak in hushed tones and share joyful looks. Jack Frost had given up hope on ever having kids of his own. "Wow! 300 years alone makes some habits difficult to break. " "You say something, Jack?" "Nope. The Pooka let out a groan, knowing he would have a long story to tell, and situated himself into a more comfortable position so to hold Jack and allow him to sleep more soundly. Alt. From the Rise of the Guardians Kinkmeme: There's more than one Pooka - when the four year old Overland girl finds a snowy white rabbit, she smiles and says hello. Years later MiM asigns Jack Frost as a Guardian who has no memory of his life before. Said fairy sqweaked behind Tooth, startling all in the room whom were listening to Jack intently. Jack chuckled as he say the little bird go flying behind him and then catch up with him and then go to North and squeak her heart out. The summers realized who he is and were in panic. The entire river was freezing over. Jack fixed his hair and brushed his teeth wanting feel fresh. They are able to stop time travelers from disturbing the past. "Stay with me. Part 3 of A Pooka's Love. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Rise of the Guardians fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. But of course, he wasn't. Jack's physical and mental age war with each other. I do not own ROTG or its characters. Jack landed on his diapered backside thankfully, the toddler letting out a squeak and tears pouring out instantly. Jack kept the faith in the guardians in a single child, though he couldn't be seen, and the rip more than repaired. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Humor - Jack Frost, Bunnymund - Words: 4,551 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 650 - Follows: 179 - Published: Oct 4, 2013 - Status: Complete. After the first 50 years of wandering about, Jack discovers Pitch trapping lost children. His breath came in short painful bursts as he labored to breathe, and his staff was long forgotten, flung somewhere far away from him. Jack Frost had enough of it until an unlikely friend came to his help. "Jack, isn't that big a blizzard dangerous?" asked Tooth. Part 1 of Rise of the Guardians One Shots. / / Chapter 1: The Cryogenic Chambers / The Frostfall clan's ship crashed into a planet and many millienia later the spaceship's computer woke the oldest Pooka left onboard. Jack landed on his diapered backside thankfully, the toddler letting out a squeak and tears pouring out instantly. "Baby Tooth thought it was a-appropriate since the l-last time we fought Pitch he g-got his memories. Aster Bunnymund & Jack Frost;. He was sure he'd just seen a light wink out. Jack Frost flew into the Warren, his laugh echoed as he rode the wind through tunnels. When the Groundhog extended winter Sophie's disappointment dispersed with the arrival of a student teacher. He missed his friend. When all of the Guardians, besides North, were sitting Jack finally looked up. By: dragoscilvio. "Im done with you! I feel bad for your family before you became Jack Frost!. There were bags under his icy eyes. Now, thanks to the turning of tables, Jack has to adapt again - to the Guardians, to his new found family. However, he's been on his own for 300 years. They are also able to shape a planet and create continents. Jack had been right about the reactions of Jamie and Sophie; the siblings were overwhelmed in a good way at the thought of living in Santa's workshop, and luckily for the Guardians, Jamie hadn't questioned why he and Sophie weren't going back to Burgess. Excluding NIMH, Sophie seeks the advice of one of her oldest. Harry opened his eyes and watched the sun rise; the Fearling squealed angrily and vanished with the shadows. " Jack whispered and the pooka noticed that he was dropping off to sleep. Jack waved goodbye to the kids of burgess and didn't stop until the kids were out of sight. The baby Pooka – obviously Jack – was rubbing his eyes tiredly. North and Cupid were behind those two and talking animatedly about possibly starting a "Santa x Valentines" toy line for the next Christmas. Good. " OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognizable characters from "Rise of the Guardians. This is a side stroy to Pooka Prince About Jack's frist Easter and when his Dad Finds out There is Another Pooka left. "Mmmm" Frost hummed quietly and he trailed icy hands down the insides of the Pooka's legs. Bunnymund could hear Jack's laughing. "The last light!" North states, slight surprise at the dragon in the child's arms as Celine puffs out some smoke from her nose as a huff. Jack Frost was nothing more than a flurry drifting on a winter's. Rise of the Guardians. Bunnymund finds him face down in the snow and takes him to North. He looked himself over on the giant mirror in the bathroom. "Oh Jack, perfect as always!" He massaged his jaw, raising an eyebrow. " A thrill went down the backs of young undernourished. Takes place right after the movie. And Jack had finally decided enough was enough. "All done, but Bunny's eggs. Author: The Emcee. He looked odd,like there was something missing in all. I know there are A LOT of stories out there with 'Watching the movie' and 'Guardians get to see Jack's memories/DEATH!' I may or may not (more likely to go with the 'may') do one of those, just to see what the feed back is. A baby Pooka is found by our favourite Spirit of Winter. Sure, enough, the ice was cracking. Today was the perfect example. Ch1: The new Chapter. He shot out a ray-like beam of ice from his staff. Original Prompt: "So a teenage Sophie finds a tiny rabbit kit in the woods and raises it, except this rabbit is far more intelligent than a wild animal should be. He walked over to the white pooka and held out his hand. It is said that they oversee the health and well being of planets. Though Jack had been a guardian for over a year now, he still hadn't allowed himself to fall asleep near them. The fairy's breaths came in short gasps, and her heart pounded wildly in her chest. Fandom: Rise of the Guardians. When it heard Bunny approach, it lowered the claw to the boy's neck, and met the Pooka's eyes with its own, hellish gaze. Years later MiM asigns Jack Frost as a Guardian who has no memory of his life before. Since then, Jackson Overland arrived Berk grown as one of the lovest for the berkians. Jack Frost had given up hope on ever having kids of his own. "Stop tha', ya bloody show pony! I ain't blind!" A grin pulled at Jack's lips. He was a kit, would be forever, and he just wanted to relive those few memories he had. "Look" he said lowly so as not to wake the child "I was right when I said that Global Warming has been hurting Snowflake. How does Jack feel about all this? Can the Guardians calm Bunny down? Rated T for violence and suggested themes, as well as language. Under her breath, the fairy muttered something like a chant, or maybe it was a prayer. But the Easter Bunny does not care, he just sees Jack Frost ruining his holiday. His cheeks glittered with the remaining tears of laughter. He decides that Jack is destined to take the title of a Guardian, and will begin his journey by being raised amongst them. Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood) Baby Tooth (Rise of the Guardians) Rise of the Guardians Characters; Original Characters; Mother Nature; Pitch Black (Guardians of Childhood) Pooka E. Tilting his head backwards, the winter sprite's back arched as he strained to gaze out the closest window. Chapter 1: The Storyteller. Jack glanced back down at his mutilated torso and shrugged, before smiling at them with a forced nonchalance. Jack swiftly jumped down after the guardians as the floor slid back, shutting behind him. Jack could be careless but to intentionally hurt much less kill a child didn't seem real. They had told her that they were pooka but she couldn't help but think that they looked like the creatures in Australia that she had seen in passing called kangaroos. Emma was a few feet away, trying to keep still. Toothiana is the Tooth Fairy and the Guardian of Memories who collects children's baby teeth where she leaves behind money as their gifts. That all changed when he, the guardians and the children, defeated Pitch and his Nightmares. Rise of the Guardians. Held Again, a rise of the guardians fanfic | FanFiction. Jack therefore hides his youthful appearance behind a mask of being older under a cloak. Aster felt a spark of pride at how clever Jack was, the boy using a sound he knew the kits would recognize. Elsa is clueless. The Winter spirit was sitting in a snow drift staring out at the frozen fortress of the north. Rise of the Guardians - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,274 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 43 - Published: Mar 3, 2013 - [Bunnymund, Jack Frost] - Complete. Jack chuckled, not really finding the joke funny, but feeling obliged to acknowledge it anyway. Jack floated in the air, on his stomach, just a few inches above the creatures; watching them with his fists propped beneath his chin. Bunny crossed his arms over his chest and started tapping the ground with his foot, clearing his throat loudly so the winter sprite would notice his damn presence. Their child would always come first. Here are some drabbles exploring Jack's journey through single parenthood, the child's childhood with a spirit for a father and the Guardians' realisation that Jack is actually pretty awesome with kids for a reason. Add the fact that the Guardians are now starting to know more about the wintry lad, it's time for some of those said secrets to be uncovered. Pooka Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Hurt Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Oblivious E. Their child would always come first. By now, the Pooka's voice was wavering, and Jack looked concerned. Rise of the Guardians and its characters do not belong to me, only my OC's. Jan 31, 2013. That day was a nightmare, a true nightmare. It's calming, Aster notes as he hops to the burrow. (Pooka!Jack fic, no pairings) Aster did have to read through Ombric's books to ensure that the herbs given to a baby Pooka had the same results given to a human baby, last thing Aster wanted was to accidentally poison Jack. The Man in the Moon has taken notice of the child. "Beware of the Pooka, mom whispered," A young boy enchanted his audience as he acted out his bedtime story. Aster Bunnymund. English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 236 - Followers: 0 - Since: 01-14-13 - Founder: JadeFlicker. Jack is happy that he has found out who he was and who he is meant to be, and he is grateful for that. So what does the rabbit do? He takes it. "JACK"! Jack heard a loud Russian voice shouting his name. Jack Frost has always been the one to adapt. "Beware of the Pooka, mom whispered," A young boy enchanted his audience as he acted out his bedtime story. Blinking, Bunny looked down to find a makeshift bed. Now, thanks to the turning of tables, Jack has to adapt again - to the Guardians, to his new found family. FanFiction | unleash. . “You’re with the enemy!Jack was only an infant when he mother had to surrender him for his safety. Title: Backend of Forever. Jack was disgusted that the so called Guardians of Childhood would enslave these between creatures and chain them. The Pooka hovered close to Jack, adjusting the boy's limbs as North began assessing the damage. He knew it when he'd looked down at himself in confusion and wonder, finding himself not of soft, pink flesh, but rather covered in soft, white fur. Sandy had conjured a cloud just above the fireplace to curl into, and Bunny—Bunny faked it. It may have been then that he noticed it, cornered in the ally with the kid, Jamie, and the Guardians, Jack the only one left with any power. North; Toothiana;. Pitch captures Jack and turns him into a Pooka. Now, thanks to the turning of tables, Jack has to adapt again - to the Guardians, to his new found family. Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Harvey; a baby pooka. " his right paw cupped Jack's cheek. He had been told by the trolls to beware the frozen heart. He slowly hopped towards the sound until he found it coming from a cavern. Blood stained the ice where the boy had lay, the back of his shirt torn open in shreds at his shoulders blades. Jack froze, before something that might have been the tiniest of smiled tugged at the corner of his mouth. Jack looked to Bunny, who twitched at the other Pooka's words. Bunnymund instantly had both paws around the kid, frantically wanting to do anything to help. Jack swiftly took out his staff and shot out a blast of frost, creating a patch of ice. Problem: the planet they were on was going to die. Jack went quiet again as he worked, a stony silence that Aster wasn't sure he could break.